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Peer to peer exchange workshop

Within the implementation of component 1 of the SECO project “Municipal energy efficiency and management project in Serbia”, implemented in cooperation with the Ministry of Mining and Energy, pilot cities and municipalities are supported for introducing the European Energy Award (EEA). The assistance provided included implementation of priority activities which enable improvement of their EEA scoring prior to the external audit planned for end of 2022.  The Project assisted the implementation of the following priority activities:

  1. Development of the Spatial Heat Supply Program (SHSP),
  2. Integration of EE and RES in the spatial planning process,
  3. Eco behavior of employees in the municipal / city administration,
  4. Development of an energy related Communication Strategy.

The four pilot municipalities selected the priority actions of their interest and while Krusevac, Paracin and Vrbas developed Spatial Heat Supply Programs, Uzice introduced eco-behavior measures for the administration employees and developed an energy related communication strategy.

At the peer to peer workshop organized in cooperation with the Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities, the pilot cities presented their experience with the implementation of the priority actions with the aim to support their dissemination.

The MEEMP team presented tool boxes providing template documents and instructions for development of four priority activities  by cities and municipalities throughout Serbia. Also, this will enable other interested Serbian municipalities to conduct stated activities that will help them to improve energy efficiency, develop a long-term program of local heat supply and integrate the existing potentials of renewable energy sources in local planning. The workshop was attended by the representatives of the Ministry of Mining and Energy, Swiss Embassy – Swiss Cooperation Office and a number of representatives of Serbian cities and municipalities.

Packages of documents for each project activity will be available on the MEEMP and SCTM websites in the next period.

You can download the presentations from the workshop here: